Sunday, February 5, 2012

No SuperBowl---- Ouch!!!

Thought I'd post some pictures from our last day in Pune. We had a very productive and competitive scrimmage on Saturday. After the game, our coaching group spent close to an hour posing for pictures, and signing autographs. The autograph sessions were definitely new territory for me. It was a strange feeling to be asked to sign so many notebooks and jerseys. We all had fun with it, and the energy and enthusiasm displayed by the Pune coaching staff and players was something that I will never forget. Groups of players literally picked us up off our feet and tossed each one of us up into the air. It was some of the best fun I've ever had.

As I write this blog, I am sitting here watching the BBC news as I've pretty much given up on watching the Super Bowl. I got up at 4:30 am this morning Indian time to watch the big game, but the internet server here at the hotel is not allowing me to receive any live streaming feeds. I have tried a few other sites, including NBC sports, but I've had absolutely no luck. There were a few other sites I know of that were offering sporting game feeds, but they have recently been shut down. I'll just have to stay updated on the score on and catch a replay of the game when I return to the states next week.

Coach "Raj" is an incredible person and an excellent leader for the Pune Tigers

Can you say "Passion"

The Tigers worked hard all week and made big strides in their individual and team development

We made lots of new friends in Pune

Tony Simmons about to go Airborne

Thanks again to the Pune players and coaches for a truly amazing week!!

Lights out.

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