Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Day In The Life Of ...

On numerous occasions throughout the day, I find myself speechless. Sometimes, I feel like our lives in this "Family of Five" would make great fodder for a television Sitcom. There is always fresh material, exceptional drama, cutting edge story lines, and a cast of compelling characters to say the least. Here is a short outtake from a routine morning in our household.

At 7:21--- Our oldest daughter Kamryn (age 12 going on 21) places the 2nd trash bag outside her room from the previous day's room cleaning debacle. The bus will be here in less than 5 minutes, and she still needs to take the dog (that's Jake) out and scoop things up after he does his business.

7:23--- I request that Kamryn take the two garbage bags sitting just outside her bedroom door down to the garage. Otherwise, these bags will sit there until sometime around the next Winter Olympics.

7:24--- Kamryn takes our dog (that's Jake) out into our side yard, where he doesn't belong. The side yard is right outside the door, but the open field where Jake (that's our dog) is supposed to do his business, is a mere 20 paces across the road from our garage door. Kamryn is an expert in locating shortcuts in life, so she allows Jake (our dog) to pee and poop where he so efficiently kills our grass on an annual basis. I appreciate that Kamryn is helping us contribute to the struggling U.S. economy by our consistent need to buy more grass seed and soil at Home Depot, but I'm determined to put an end to these shenanigans.

7:27 and counting--- Kamryn is running down the lane to catch the bus, while Jake (that's our dog) looks on, probably bitter over the fact that he had a mere 2 minutes to use the restroom.

7:30--- It is time to wake up the next crew, our son Kodie (age 10) and daughter Kaylin (age 5).

7:42--- There are still no signs of life coming from the room, so we need to do a second run thru of wakeup calls.

7:47--- Kaylin rustles out of bed, but there appears to be some noise coming from downstairs.

7:48--- Our gargantuan house cat, affectionately known as Pumpkin, is in some sort of distress in the basement of the house. A short trip down the steps reveals that Pumpkin is fighting a big hairball, and he LOSES. His partially digested breakfast is now on our entry level carpet, so we must head to our muster stations and locate the liquid spray carpet cleaner.

8:01--- A distress call from upstairs indicates that Kodie has finally found his way out of bed. He has plugged up the toilet again with a rather large wad of TP, and Estalita (my wife) springs into action. As Estalita engages in her well practiced routine to restore order in the upstairs latrine, my youngest daughter Kaylin tells me that this happened quite often while I was away in India. She goes on to say that mommy is really good at pushing down on the plunger 2-3 times, and eliminating the obstruction. I nod in agreement and explain that it's all about technique.

8:04-8:14--- A Period of Relative Calm

8:15--- An explosive event happens at the kitchen table and tears quickly spring forth from my five year old's eyes. It seems that Kaylin's hair is full of knots, and Estalita must again step up to the plate during this time of crisis. The painful exercise of knot removal begins and Kaylin is both angry and in pain over this desperate situation. After 5-7 minutes of blood, sweat, and tears, an executive decision is made regarding the knots. The conclusion: More braiding will be done at night before bedtime to combat these gnarly knots that form during night time sleep.

8:27--- Kodie heats up his breakfast of pasta, garlic bread, and a few meatballs. I explain to him that carbs are good, but too much of a good thing can lead to him one day looking like me. He hears what I have to say, but I'm not sure he is listening.

8:40-8:45--- This is the daily period where there is a mad scramble to finish getting ready, and catch the bus, which will arrive in roughly 5-10 minutes. Teeth still need to be brushed, animals must still be fed, jackets have yet to be located, shoes have to be put on, book bags have to be gathered up, breakfast is still being finished up..... you get the idea

8:50--- The bus arrives and we successfully make it through another morning. Wow, What a piece of cake!!! Now, it is time to begin our taxes. All kidding aside,


During the initial DE-Knotting stage, Kaylin had a no comment for the camera

No Pain-- No Gain

The Stage of Acceptance

Trash bags from a Room Cleaning exercise. I will wonder for many days how long that partially drank can of coke was under the bed??

The joys of self-employment--- Now on to the taxes!

Jake (that's our dog) just takes everything in stride

Pumpkin sitting in his favorite easy chair. He will honestly sit like this for hours on end. He spends most of his days eating, sleeping, licking himself, and watching traffic. Occasionally, a hair ball has been know to interrupt his routine.

You might ask -- how do we deal with all this stress? We do what most good Americans do when life just gets to be too much. WE EAT!! Today, it was a quick stopover at our favorite German restaurant (The Prost) for some Jager Schnitzel, Spaetzle, and some scrumptious German potato salad.

This was one of our great finds when we moved to Maryland.

Great Power Lunch with a few carbs as well

More carbs and more bliss--- This potato salad is my 2nd all time favorite, after my Grandma Slivoskey's of course. Nobody can beat her version!!

Hope you enjoyed this brief glimpse into my world. Things can sometimes seem so hectic, but I think the biggest regret I have in terms of children, is that we never had a fourth child. (At least not that I'm aware of)

Lights out.

1 comment:

BStrong said...

It isn't to late to have a fourth.