I DARE YOU TO LOOK AT THIS PICTURE CLOSELY-- WARNING!!-- Objects in toilet may be larger than they appear
I have reported quite often about the highs associated with coaching football overseas, but there are a fair share of frustrations as well. Paying to use public toilets, a lack of ice cube trays in the country, not being able to turn right on red, and the precipitous fall of the euro is enough to cause a guy some real stress. This season has been particularly trying, which has caused me to question what I am doing on more than one occasion. Today was one of those kind of days. I have been moved around four times since I arrived in Finland on May 2nd, and have yet to settle in and put any of my personal belongings away. There have been major issues with the apartments this season. In fairness to the team, the city is growing and there is a shortage of decent apartments in the area that open up before the college students finish their semester. In my first place, I had bugs in my bed, mold in the kitchen, and drunks causing trouble in the halls at all hours of the night. Today I relocated to my fourth and hopefully final location for the summer. The only trouble with the move was the condition of the apartment when I arrived today. The people who left before me forgot to take their mess with them and the place is very dirty. I think the Adams Family may have lived there before I arrived, but one thing is for certain. I have some major cleaning to do before Estalita and the kids arrive next Tuesday.
No this is not an abstract piece of art by Picasso or Salvador Dali--- It is a view of the walls in my living room
More art on the walls

Things are growing in the fridge
The floors/baseboard are interesting too-- Wonder if I can rent a power washer?
Lights out.
Should we bring Lysol and rubber gloves??????? :-)
Some hip boots, SOS pads, hydrochloric acid, a HAZMAT suit, and a Geiger counter... I'm sorry
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