Wednesday, July 29, 2009

5 People

There are only 4 pictures on this post, but I will be adding some more tomorrow. Therefore, I will digress to another topic. My thought or question for today is-- If you could sit down and have dinner with any 5 persons, other than relatives or friends, who have either passed on or are still alive today, who would they be? Here are my 5.

1. Jesus--- I had to put Jesus first because of my faith. I would have many questions for him about life in general and ask for his help in leading me through the rest of my life.

The rest of mine aren't in any particular order.

2. Tony Dungy-- Former coach of the Indianapolis Colts and a great role model and human being-- I had the chance to meet Coach Dungy when he was playing for the Steelers and I was a young kid following him around at training camp. I would like to gain some wisdom from his experiences and hear about his coaching philosophies first hand.

3. Ernest Hemingway-- Ernest lived the romantic and adventurous life as he traveled extensively and was very curious about people and different cultures. I have read many of his novels and his writing draws me in. I would love to listen to his stories while sitting at a European cafe in the middle of quaint little village somewhere in Italy.

4. Oprah Winfrey-- I have always been impressed by her ability to relate to and connect with so many people. She uses much of her wealth and influence to help people who are less fortunate, which I find very inspiring. She also encourages people to go after their dreams and we need more encouragers like that in the world today.

5. Robin Williams-- After all these serious conversations, I figured having a good laugh would be good for the soul too. Robin can be crude at times, but his improvisational skills are captivating. I find it hard not to laugh even when he isn't saying anything. (except for his days as Mork in the TV series Mork and Mindy--- Nanu Nanu!!) Some of you are too young or maybe even too old to remember this.

If you read the blog and you have a person or two who comes to mind in your top 5, then certainly drop me a line and let me know. Or for that matter, send me all 5 names and why they make your list. I am interested to know.

Well, that is nearly all to report for today. One other bit of news is that I got my first Finnish haircut today. I haven't had a haircut in 4-5 months, so I was long overdue. The one negative to report from the past week is that my leg is acting up again. I am having complications and pain from the blood clots that resulted from my achilles tendon rupture last year. I went on the long road trip to Lapland last week and I think that is the problem. It is possible that a few of my clots have returned. I was supposed to be on the bus for our 7 hour trip (each way) to eastern Finland this upcoming weekend when we travel to take on the Knights. Instead, I will be taking a train so that I can get up and walk around a bit to relieve some of the pain. In the meantime, I am walking a lot to promote circulation and eating lots of garlic to thin my blood. Hopefully, things will improve with my this situation over the next few days.

Here is a shot of the kids playing at the home of Timo and his family. Timo is on our management board here with the Crocodiles Football Team. He was very gracious to invite us over for some snacks and family fun. We had a nice time and our kids really hit it off with their new Finnish friends.

What an interesting name for a town. I think II is pronounced Eeee. When I saw this a few other humorous town names came to mind. In the states, we have our share of strange place names. I used to live in one for a few years called Hunker, Pennsylvania. Yikes!! In Maryland there is Accident, Crappo, and Boring. There is also a town called Athol , Massachusetts. My favorite town name is located in my home state and all Pennsylvanians should know this one. In Pennsylvania, we have Intercourse.

Here I am feeding some reindeer in Lapland--- pre haircut

No comment

Lights out.


Dusty 6'6'' 250 said...

1. Jesus - same comments as you, lots of questions to ask and meeting him would be amazing.

2. Chuck Norris - not sure why, it would just be sweet to meet him.

3. Joe Paterno - why are you still coaching old man? how in the world does he still relate with the younger generation. And it would be nice to talk football with the best.

4. Reggie White - It would be nice to talk to a man that truly lived out his faith. The man preached on Sunday mornings and then went out and got a few sacks a few hours later...

5. Donald Trump - I would ask him how he got to where he is today? How many times did you fail on the journey? As rich as your are, are there times of emptiness in your life?

Unknown said...

Jesus??? Are you serious??? What could possibly be gleaned from that conversation?

1. Abe Lincoln- most of this conversation would center around health care reform... or something like that.

2. Adam West- the original Batman... and no I wasn't old enough to watch it originally but I saw the reruns about a billion times as a kid.

3. Nolan Ryan- this is brand new for me... just heard him say the other night that he is sick of pitch counts... and that he once threw around 250 pitches in a 12 or 13 inning affair. WOW!

4. A good old fashioned bum- Seriously. I would want to hear the honest truth about how life can lead a man that direction???

5. Thomas Edison- The man could just invent.

MKR said...

Well, I somehow missed this post so sorry if I'm a bit late. Here are my five:

1. Thomas Jefferson - my favorite of the founding fathers and a brilliant man. I would love to discuss Deism with him.

2. Arthur Conan Doyle - One of my favorite authors.

3. I will say Jesus as well. Even though I do not believe he was the Messiah as described in the Tanakh I think he was an incredible moral teacher and a decent, inspiring man.

4. Walt Whitman - my favorite poet. From his poems I feel like I know him already but I would stand in awe of him if I could meet him. I've heard a short clip of one of his poems which is the only known recording of Whitman and it gave me chills just to hear his voice.

5. Finally, Henry David Thoreau. His writings have influenced my own theological and philosophical beliefs more than anyone else. I'd love to spend an afternoon talking with him at his cabin on Walden Pond.
