Let me just say right off the bat that this post may throw some people for a loop. I must qualify that statement by saying I have a very eclectic taste in music. I like country, rock and roll, jazz, Christian, classical, and the list goes on and on (rap not included). I also have an ear for Irish music and Celtic tunes. In recent years, I have become a big fan of a group called Celtic Woman. I attended my first Celtic Woman concert in Fargo, North Dakota about two years ago. This past weekend, my wife and I took in a second concert by these amazing performers at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland. The concert was absolutely fabulous and the talent of the singers and musicians is just beyond words. Many people are surprised when I tell them about my interest in this kind of an experience. Perhaps, my taste is a bit unusual considering that I coach a sport that many consider to be brutal, violent, and barbaric. This is a rather unique irony about my personality and one that I do not always fully understand. Within the white lines, I could be aggressive as they come. In fact, I will admit that I've even been thrown out of a few games in my career for fighting. However, I am rather laid back off the field. Away from football, I gravitate towards things like travel, golf, reading, philosophy, and keeping up on current events. I would rather take a walk with my daughter and pick flowers than watch a heavyweight fight or a UFC match. I know, I can't explain it either??? I have never liked to kill things and that surely explains why I don't hunt and probably never will. The only gun I will ever own is a water gun. Don't get me wrong here. I don't have any issues with those who like to hunt, but I just know I would freeze if I ever had Bambi in my sights and my finger was on the trigger. I guess one of the great things about getting older, and trust me, this is the only one I've been able to come up with so far, is this feeling that I am getting more comfortable in my own skin. Even if this skin is a lot more wrinkled that it used to be! My point is that I'm really okay with having interests off the field that are quite different from many of my colleagues.
In truth, I have been reluctant to follow a career path in pursuit of a Division I college football job because I have seen what it can do to somebody who is totally over committed. There were times at Trinity when I felt married to my job and I know the price of coaching at the Division I level is very high indeed. Just ask Urban Meyer about trying to find that correct balance. In any case, I just never want football to define me as a person. Football has always been an outlet for me, a legal way to display aggression and get my competitive juices flowing. It is a great rush and challenge to coach the sport. I am so thankful to be involved with the sport and have an opportunity to influence the lives of others. The only title I have in my life that sounds better is "Dad." It is a great honor to be called "Coach, even if I am the kind of coach who admits to getting all fired up for a Celtic Woman Concert!

The Bag Pipes added an interesting element to the concert

Mairead Nesbitt-- The most amazing fiddle player
Mairead and the 4 main vocalists

A wonderful concert at the Inner Harbor
Lights out.