Well, I have finally launched my new blog. I've been wanting to do this for some time now, so fasten your seat belts and get ready!!! One of the main purposes of this new endeavor is to stay connected to you as Estalita, Kamryn, Kodie, Kaylin, and myself prepare for our upcoming summer adventure to Finland. In case you haven't heard, I have accepted a head coaching job to coach an American football team in Finland called the Seinajoki Crocodiles. The position will require us to be overseas for about 4 months total. I am heading over for about a week in early March for a short training camp with the team and to scope out the lay of the land. I plan on using the blog as a way of sharing our experiences with you and giving you a bird's eye view of our lives in Scandinavia. I must confess I have other motives for writing this as well, some of which I will reveal at a later time, so stay tuned!
One other aspect of this whole experience that excites me is the chance to do some ranting and raving. In case you don't know, I am formally announcing that I find great pleasure in ranting and raving from time to time. Just remember, you've been warned. I have many topics that I want to discuss. Many of these are quite serious, while others are more light hearted. I hope you will find a few moments each week to log in and check things out. I would be honored if you choose to comment on a post or join in with some of your own input. Your feedback is welcomed. Just make sure you are nice or I'll have one of my new Finnish offensive lineman take you out behind the woodshed and teach you a few lessons!! Just briefly bare with me as I give you some perspective on ME. I like to think of myself as a contrarian. I actually took the time to look this up and Mr. Webster says this about a contrarian. One who makes decisions that contradict prevailing wisdom; a person who takes an opposing view; one who rejects the majority opinion and is a habitual opponent of accepted policies. I think you probably get the drift by now. In a nutshell, that is how I would define me. There are many other aspects to me, but I will use this as a starting point for my new blog. My mother used to put it this way. "Eric, just because everybody else is doing something, doesn't mean you have to do it." She would add on by saying, "March to the beat of your own drum." That advice has served me well in life. Thanks mom. I will leave you with that thought for today. Lights out.